
March 2025: I’m very grateful to have been chosen to receive the John H. Jenkins Research Fellowship in Texas History by the Texas State Historical Association.

December 2024: I’ve had three poems—“Divertimento,” “Postcard from Colorado,” and “Loci Classici”—published in Maryland Literary Review.

June 2024: My essay on George Sand’s Indiana and Edith Wharton’s The House of Mirth has been published in Papers on Language and Literature. Full citation: “A Figure of Speech and a Speechless Figure: Determinations of Identity in George Sand’s Indiana and Edith Wharton’s The House of Mirth.” Papers on Language and Literature, vol. 58, no. 3, Summer 2024, pp. 303-37.

January 2024: Baylor University's student newspaper, The Lariat, interviewed me concerning the research I’m doing on the enslaved persons who were part of the university's early history.

September 2023: My poem “This Day” has been published online by Ekstasis.

August 2023: My essay on a Kenneth Rexroth poem that has been a favorite of mine for a long time has been published. Full citation and link: “‘Lyell’s Hypothesis Again’: Kenneth Rexroth’s Diction of Stone.” ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews, vol. 36, no. 3, 2023, pp. 415-17. doi: 10.1080/0895769X.2021.2024426.

March 2023: The City of Round Rock produced a video, featuring me, on the Immortal 10 Bridge as part of a series called “Places in Time” that explores the history behind locations and landmarks in the city. The video can be found at:

February 2023: I was interviewed by Dr. Stephen Sloan, director of Baylor’s Institute for Oral History, about the Immortal Ten for the Waco History Podcast: The episode can be found at

June 2022: The Department of English at The University of Georgia featured me in the spring 2022 issue of its newsletter, The Park Hall Monitor.

May 2022: My poem “My Body Is Home to My Great-Grandparents: An American Sonnet” has been published online by The Fourth River.

February 2022: My essay on British poetry during World War I has been published. You can read it at the following link (with a subscription to Sage Publishing through an academic library): “‘For ever England’: The Figurative Colonization of Flanders.” Media, War & Conflict, vol. 15, no. 1, 2022, pp. 46-60. doi: 10.1177/1750635220902486.

December 2021: My full-length poetry book Like All Light was made available to pre-order through Gunpowder Press in Santa Barbara, California.

October 2021: My poetry chapbook The Book as Knife has been published by Ravenna Press in Edmonds, Washington, as part of its Triple Series.

August 2021: Lynne Thompson, poet laureate for the City of Los Angeles, selected my book Like All Light as winner of the 2021 Barry Spacks Poetry Prize from Gunpowder Press in Santa Barbara, California.